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WASHINGTON, D.C. -- This week, more than 500 local radio and television broadcasters gathered in Washington, D.C. for NAB's annual State Leadership Conference. The event featured speeches from prominent policymakers on federal legislative and regulatory issues affecting the broadcast industry, and provided attendees an opportunity to meet with their legislators to discuss how local radio and TV stations serve their communities.

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The National Association of Broadcasters announced today that Sam Matheny, Vice President of Policy and Innovation at Raleigh-based Capitol Broadcasting Co., will join NAB as Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer on July 15, 2014.

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The National Association of Broadcasters announced today that Robert Weller, the Federal Communications Commission's Chief of Technical Analysis, will join NAB as Vice President, Spectrum Policy on July 28, 2014. He will report to Rick Kaplan, Executive Vice President of Strategic Planning.

Hybrid radio is poised to become a critical component of radio stations' overall digital strategy. To address this topic, the 2014 Radio Show will feature a Super Session presented by NAB Labs titled "Hybrid Radio – What's In It for You?," to be held September 11 at 11:00 a.m. The Radio Show, held September 10-12 in Indianapolis, is produced by the Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB) and the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB).

WASHINGTON, DC -- In response to passage of legislation to reauthorize the Satellite Television Extension and Localism Act by the House Judiciary Committee, the following statement can be attributed to NAB President and CEO Gordon Smith:

The Radio Show, the largest annual event for the radio industry, announced today that Clear Channel Chairman and CEO Bob Pittman and CBS Radio CEO and President Dan Mason will headline the 2014 Radio Show Super Session titled "From the Control Room to the Board Room," to be held September 11 at 9:15 a.m. The Radio Show, produced by the Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB) and the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), will be held September 10-12 in Indianapolis.

WASHINGTON, DC -- A bipartisan coalition of five Members of the House of Representatives have signed on as co-sponsors of a resolution that opposes "any new performance fee, tax, royalty, or other charge" on local broadcast radio stations. With their co-sponsorship, there are 229 Members of the House and 15 Senators who have signed on to support the Local Radio Freedom Act.

About WVBA

The West Virginia Broadcasters Association has been representing and serving West Virginia commercial radio and television stations since 1946. We are a member-driven trade association that provides unequaled service and value to stations throughout the state. 

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