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WVBA Excellence 1040x250 2024

The WVBA has served radio and television stations across the Mountain State since 1946.

While the media landscape has changed dramatically over the last 67 years, one thing has not: The WVBA is here to serve West Virginia broadcasters!  

Whether your station needs to advertise a job opening or find training for your staff, the WVBA can help. Among the WVBA member services and information available through this website are:

  • Broadcast Jobs — Post job openings and review applicant resumes.
  • Manage WVBA Membership — Allows members to not only access the WVBA website but to also register for events, change their membership information, access receipts, and more.
  • NCSA/PEP Program —Support the WVBA’s member services by airing messages of statewide importance.
  • Training Resources — Live webinars and archived training resources on a number of broadcaster-focused topics. Plus unparalleled In-Person training from top Sales Trainers from across the country. Plus New Department workshops, Weather Personal Training, etc.
  • Advocacy Services - The WVBA represents West Virginia's radio and TV stations with WV’s Congressional delegation, Federal regulatory agencies, and members of the WV Legislature
  • Legal Counsel – Unparalleled legal guidance from our Legal counsel at Jackson Kelly, PLLC.

If your station is not already a WVBA member, consider joining.

Our Mission
It shall be the purpose of the West Virginia Broadcasters Association to promote the art and business of broadcasting, promote cooperation and understanding among broadcasters, encourage and promote customs and practices which will be in the interests of the public and broadcasting community.

About WVBA

The West Virginia Broadcasters Association has been representing and serving West Virginia commercial radio and television stations since 1946. We are a member-driven trade association that provides unequaled service and value to stations throughout the state. 

Upcoming Dates

26 Apr
WVBA Excellence In Broadcasting Awards Banquet
Date 04.26.2025 4:00 am - 5:00 am

Charleston Marriott