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Cadreon, Trade Desk, Acxiom, EMX power pro bono programmatic

Cadreon, Trade Desk, Acxiom, EMX power pro bono programmatic

Working with several ad tech companies, the Ad Council has launched its first programmatic private marketplace where media companies can donate inventory to digital public service ad campaigns devoted to fighting the COVID-19 crisis.

The Trade Desk is providing the tech platform for the marketplace, Cadreon is donating in-platform management, Acxiom is donating data segments to target at-risk audiences and EMX helped get publishers on board.

The marketplace is projected to deliver more than 100 million display and video impressions in the first two months through inventory donated by InMobi, GroundTruth, OpenX, Ogury, Xandr, TripleLift, Bustle, the New York Post, EMX and Kargo.

The launch of the first Private Marketplace in support of social causes, particularly during this national crisis, is truly momentous for our industry and our audiences throughout the country,” said Lisa Sherman, president and CEO of the Ad Council. “Through the PMP, we’ll have the opportunity to serve the right message to the right audience at the right time. During this ever-changing crisis, it will be invaluable to be able to optimize, evolve and adapt messaging and target audiences to ensure that our COVID-19 messages drive the greatest impact. We’re so grateful to our programmatic and media partners for coming forward and generously donating their platforms, services and inventory.”

Receiving donated media through a private marketplace allows the Ad Council to send specific messages to parents and young adults about social distancing and personal hygiene.

Through traditional methods, the Ad Council’s PSA campaign has already received more than $57 million in donated, earned and social media. The messages have been seen more than 2 million times.

COVID PSA (; 0:15)

Part of the Ad Council campaign

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The West Virginia Broadcasters Association has been representing and serving West Virginia commercial radio and television stations since 1946. We are a member-driven trade association that provides unequaled service and value to stations throughout the state. 

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