O'Rielly, Brownstein lined up for annual policy summit
The American Cable Association is lining up speakers for its upcoming ACA Connects Summit 2020 in Washington March 17-20.
Republican commissioner Michael O'Rielly and Atlantic senior editor Ron Brownstein have been penned in for addresses to the assemblage.
ACA said the FCC's leadership on rural broadband policy is key to closing the digital divide. "Our members benefit when learning firsthand how trends in technology and policy impact their hometowns,” said ACA Connects president Matt Polka.
Brownstein has been tapped as a keynote speaker to talk about the upcoming election, both national and statewide campaigns.
“ACA Connects members understand that any business decision – whether investment in new broadband networks, or adding services for local businesses -- is made through the prism of policy initiatives. Ron Brownstein’s experience as a chronicler of the political process provides much needed perspective,” said Polka.
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