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Charles Cooper has been named associate administrator of the Office of Spectrum Management at the National Telecommunications & Information Administration, where he will help develop the National Spectrum Strategy mandated by President Trump. NTIA is the White House's chief communications ...

Cooper will help develop national strategy

Charles Cooper has been named associate administrator of the Office of Spectrum Management at the National Telecommunications & Information Administration, where he will help develop the National Spectrum Strategy mandated by President Trump.

NTIA is the White House's chief communications policy adviser and oversees government spectrum users as the FCC does private ones.

Related: White House Issues Pair of Spectrum Reports

Cooper, who comes aboard July 1, was most recently at the FCC, where he was involved in radio frequency enforcement. He will also coordinate interagency run-up to the World Radiocommunicatoins Conference in the fall.

Before joining the FCC, Cooper was senior engineer and partner with engineering firm du Triel, Lundin, and Rackley, Inc.

Freeing up more government spectrum, either by giving it up or sharing it, is a priority for the Trump Administration as it tries to beat China in the race to next generation--5G--wireless broadband. 

Read full article on Broadcasting & Cable

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The West Virginia Broadcasters Association has been representing and serving West Virginia commercial radio and television stations since 1946. We are a member-driven trade association that provides unequaled service and value to stations throughout the state. 

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3 Mar
NAB/LLC - Washington DC
Date 03.03.2025 4:00 am - 03.05.2025 5:00 am
26 Apr
WVBA Excellence In Broadcasting Awards Banquet
04.26.2025 4:00 am - 5:00 am

Charleston Marriott