Cite his defense of First Amendment, broadcasting
The Michigan Association of Broadcasters has created the Congressman John D. Dingell Jr. Journalism Scholarship.
Dingell, who died Feb. 7, was the longest serving member of Congress (1955-2014).
In creating the scholarship, MAB pointed out Dingell was a supporter of the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967 and fought to make sure broadcasters were treated fairly in the 2009 DTV transition and in the run-up to the broadcast incentive auction and repack.
National Association of Broadcasters President Gordon Smith, himself a former member of Congress, is contributing to the scholarship.
"Congressman Dingell was very involved with the MAB and was as knowledgeable on broadcasting and telecommunications issues as anyone working in the business," said MAB. "Congressman Dingell cared very deeply about the first amendment and valued the Fourth Estate. We are all so saddened at his passing."
MAB is seeking contributions to the fund. Checks should be made out to the MAB Foundation with a note that it is for the John Dingell Scholarship Fund, which should be sent to: MAB Foundation, 820 N. Capitol Ave., Lansing, MI 48906.
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