Obstacle course for the mind starts Feb. 26
Fox premieres the competition series Mental Samurai Feb. 26. The show is hosted by Rob Lowe, and “pushes every aspect of human intelligence and mental agility,” according to Fox.
Mental Samurai comes from A. Smith & Co. Productions, Warner Horizon Unscripted & Alternative Television and Apploff Entertainment. Lowe produces as well.
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Contestants battle the boundaries of their minds, said Fox, to answer questions accurately with speed. “Not only does the course test their acumen in categories of knowledge, memory, puzzles and sequencing, but players will also have to contend with being physically transported around the set at high speeds in a specially designed capsule capable of rotating 360 degrees,” the network added.
Arthur Smith, Toby Gorman, Jeff Apploff and Noah Bonnett are executive producers.
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