Follows growing condemnation of racially insensitive remarks, actions
The cable industry's biggest trade group has pulled its support from the re-election campaign of Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa).
“As an organization and industry that highly values diversity and inclusion, we denounce the Congressman’s comments and no longer support his campaign," NCTA said in a statement. "Just two weeks ago, the cable industry gathered in New York to celebrate diversity and raise more than $1.4 million to support programs that promote the career advancement of women and multi-ethnic professionals throughout our ranks. We are proud of our track record on diversity and are proud to support policymakers who share our commitment to a diverse America.”
That came after King faced a new round of criticism over his reported continued defense of a white supremacist group and a tweet earlier this month of his support for a mayoral candidate in Toronto, Canada, who had participated in a webcast on a Neo-Nazi website.
Jewish leaders in King's home state wrote the Des Moines register to complain about his white supremacist views after the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting put a spotlight on the rise of such views.
NCTA contributed $2,500 to King's reelection campaign in the 2018 cycle, based on Federal Election Commission data as of Oc. 26, 2018, according to, just one of dozens of legislators, both Republican and Democratic, that the association contributes to.
King has been a longtime supporter of retransmission consent reform, something cable ops have been pushing for years as well.
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