BURY ST EDMUNDS, U.K. — Sept. 26, 2018 — During London Fashion Week, an array of 29 Gemini LED soft panels lit the way for models in the Alice Temperley catwalk show on Sept. 16. The Geminis offered the ideal lighting complement to the natural sunset conditions of the venue, the 32nd floor of London’s iconic Centre Point.

Working with INCA Productions, lighting design firm Renegade Design created the lighting effects for the fashion show. The Gemini 2x1 soft panels were supplied by Version 2, a leading U.K.-based broadcast equipment rental house.
“We had very specific requirements for this project. There were height restrictions due to the venue’s low ceilings, and we had limited available power. Therefore, we needed fixtures that could provide maximum output with a minimum power draw and also offer excellent dimming and color correction,” said David Ambrose, lighting designer, Renegade Design. “The Geminis were a brilliant solution, offering versatile color control to complement the natural light. Also, given the lack of vertical height, the fixtures created a nice, soft effect that was easy on the guests’ eyes.”
Litepanels’ Gemini combines daylight, tungsten, and red-green-blue LEDs to deliver highly flexible and precise color adjustment. The Gemini soft panel produces true, full-spectrum white light and an extensive choice of control options designed to suit any professional lighting application. At the Alice Temperley show, the Geminis were the exclusive lighting fixtures used to illuminate the catwalk and were mounted on custom white scaffold poles. As a slim-profile, lightweight, all-in-one solution that is easy to rig and does not require a bulky external power supply, Gemini proved ideal for this configuration.
In addition to upcoming fashion shows and other live events, Renegade Design plans to expand its use of the Geminis for a broad range of lighting and on-stage projects.
“Gemini is currently my favorite soft panel,” Ambrose added. “We can see it is an ideal application for projects such as press junkets and photographic lighting; in other words, any situation in which camera operators and photographers need precise color control and white balance. It’s a truly versatile lighting tool.”
“Renegade Design’s lighting work during London Fashion Week is the latest example of the many highly innovative and eye-catching designs that our customers are coming up with leveraging our Geminis,” said Byron Brown, product manager, Litepanels. “Since the panel’s introduction a little more than a year ago, lighting professionals, directors, and gaffers alike are adopting the multifunctional Gemini for studio, on-location, and live event productions because of its extreme versatility and adaptability, and in any kind of lighting environment.”
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A Snapshot of Litepanels
Litepanels, a Vitec Group brand, was founded in 2001 by five professional gaffers and engineers who saw the future and pioneered LED lighting for motion pictures, television, and the audio-visual industry. Their Emmy award-winning technology has now been used on thousands of productions worldwide and is trusted by the world’s leading broadcast organizations. Litepanels continues to expand its suite of flicker-free, color-accurate, fully dimmable soft lights that talent and lighting directors admire. These environmentally friendly panels can pay for themselves with power savings and long life, setting a new standard in professional lighting. More information can be found at Litepanels.com.
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Link to Word Doc: www.wallstcom.com/TheVitecGroup/180926Litepanels.docx
Photo Link: www.wallstcom.com/TheVitecGroup/TheVitecGroup-Litepanels-Catwalk.zip
Photo Caption: Litepanels Gemini set to illuminate the catwalk at London's Fashion Week
Photo Credit: INCA Productions
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