Panel looking for 'clear answers' on data protection
According to the Senate Commerce Committee agenda, Google and other edge and ISP providers are sending execs to testify at a Sept. 26 hearing on consumer privacy protections.
Providing impetus to the inquiry are both a renewed Hill focus on the edge and data sharing and protection in the wake of missteps by Facebook and others and the reclassification of ISPs by the FCC, which has moved primary oversight of broadband privacy to the Federal Trade Commission.
Related: House Dems Debut Privacy Bill
“Consumers deserve clear answers and standards on data privacy protection,” said Commerce Chairman Sen John Thune (R-S.D.) when the hearing was first announced. “This hearing will provide leading technology companies and internet service providers an opportunity to explain their approaches to privacy, how they plan to address new requirements from the European Union and California, and what Congress can do to promote clear privacy expectations without hurting innovation.”
Offering up those explanations will be Rachel Welch, senior VP, Charter Communications; Len Cali, senior VP, AT&T; Andrew DeVore, VP, Amazon; Keith Enright, chief privacy officer, Google; Damien Kieren, global data protection officer, Twitter; and Guy (Bud) Tribble, VP, Apple.
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