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Broadcasting & Cable Archive

WVBA Excellence 1040x250 2024

The 10 online subscription video-on-demand (SVOD) service from Zone·tv - Magellan TV History – is now available on Xfinity X1, bringing one of the largest libraries of history-focused documentaries and series to even more viewers. Just in time for July 4, viewers can find programs that deep dive ...

The 10 online subscription video-on-demand (SVOD) service from Zone·tv - Magellan TV History – is now available on Xfinity X1, bringing one of the largest libraries of history-focused documentaries and series to even more viewers. Just in time for July 4, viewers can find programs that deep dive into key moments of American history. Year round on Magellan TV History, viewers can also explore world history, ancient civilizations, religion, humanities, armed conflicts and more about the world’s cultures, economies and changing local and international relationships.

Xfinity X1 customers can find the service by saying “Magellan TV History” into their X1 voice remote or by finding it within the networks section of Xfinity on Demand. Magellan TV History can be added to X1 customers’ service for $5.99 per month.

“There’s so much to discover on Magellan TV History,” said Jeff Weber, CEO, zone·tv. “History buffs will be captivated by the array of choices and the many fascinating award-winning documentaries that explore history, science, technology and nature found within Magellan TV History, available for less than the price of admission to most museums.”

Magellan TV History has been developed by Alliant Content, a leading independent programmer of long-form factual film and television shows across digital platforms. From the rise and fall of empires, to the clash of cultures and the outbreak of world wars, Magellan TV History is curated to super-serve those curious about world history with programs that dive into the great stories that shaped civilization, humanity and the world such as Science vs. God; Deep Wreck Mysteries; and The Day When: Decisions of WWII; The Apollo Experience: Apollo 17; The Ascent of Civilization; Big History with Bryan Cranston; Doomsday WWI; After Braveheart and Rouen to Hiroshima.

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The West Virginia Broadcasters Association has been representing and serving West Virginia commercial radio and television stations since 1946. We are a member-driven trade association that provides unequaled service and value to stations throughout the state. 

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26 Apr
WVBA Excellence In Broadcasting Awards Banquet
Date 04.26.2025 4:00 am - 5:00 am

Charleston Marriott