Amazon’s gritty detective series sees Harry Bosch running a task force after a key guy is murdered
The fourth season of Bosch went live on Amazon April 13, with ten episodes in the new season. Bosch of course comes from the novels by Michael Connelly; season four is based on his book Angels Flight.
The new season sees an attorney murdered—at Angels Flight, the ancient railroad structure in downtown Los Angeles--on the eve of his civil rights trial against the LAPD. Los Angeles is about to blow, and Detective Harry Bosch is assigned to lead a task force to solve the crime.
Titus Welliver plays Bosch. Last season, his mother was murdered, and the agita is in full bloom in the new season too. “Season four starts off with a bang, no pun intended,” said Welliver.
Welliver gets a kick out of playing the brooding Bosch. “He’s not the most antic, demonstrative guy,” said Welliver. “He’s a very internalized character. But he’s a wonderful character—I really understand him.”
The new season sees Bosch’s daughter again living with him.
Jamie Hector, who played drug kingpin Marlo Stanfield on The Wire, plays Bosch’s partner, Jerry Edgar. Season four sees Edgar seek to find the right mix of work in his life. “He’s trying to balance his life—his home life and his work life,” said Hector. “He’s so dedicated to work.”
Bosch is Amazon’s longest running hour-long series. It was developed for television by Eric Overmyer and is executive produced by Daniel Pyne, Henrik Bastin, Pieter Jan Brugge, John Mankiewicz, Connelly Pabst, Jan David Frouman and Elle Johnson.
Welliver describes the show as a “slow burn” kind of series. “It’s not the standard-fare police procedural.”
“We shoot the show like a really good film,” Welliver adds. “A ten-hour movie with LA as the central character.”
Hector also draws a film parallel with Bosch, describing it as “film noir.” “Once you turn it on to watch, you won’t be able to turn it off,” he said, citing the cliffhangers that invite bingeing.
A decade after The Wire wrapped, Hector said he is still addressed by many in the public as Marlo Stanfield, but that is slowly changing. “People love the character and ask where he might’ve ended up,” said Hector. “But more and more, people ask me about Bosch—about Jerry Edgar.”
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